Why 11+ at Homefield Prep?
- Over the past 3 years our boys have been awarded 83 offers to selective local grammar schools
- 50% of the boys in last year's Year 6 cohort were offered at least one grammar school place
Regularly out-performing other schools in the local area, boys at Homefield Prep consistently perform strongly in grammar school and independent school entrance exams in comparison to their peers.
School Place Offers at 11+ and 13+
"The ambitious, yet inclusive, environment and the focus on self-motivation prepares pupils effectively and successfully to sit assessment tests for entrance into a range of selective senior schools."
ISI Inspection Report, 2024
Homefield Prep is uniquely located amongst some of the top grammar schools in the country. Over the past five years the top three leavers’ destinations for our Year 6 boys have been Sutton Grammar, Wilson’s and Wallington County Grammar. Many of our boys also go on to Tiffin too.
Destination Schools for Year 6 Leavers
“Following the 11+ results yesterday, I am pleased (and also incredibly sad) to provide you our term's notice for our son’s withdrawal from Homefield Prep effective after the summer term of 2022. Our son has really had a wonderful time and we will forever be indebted to the Homefield community for the guidance, support and opportunities that have been given to him. Thank you so much for everything.”
Homefield Parent, 2022
Homefield Prep has a bespoke curriculum which reaches well beyond national age-related expectations. A wide and varied curriculum prepares boys very successfully for both grammar and independent schools entry requirements. A strong and well-developed English and Maths syllabus ensures our boys are fully prepared for the expectations of grammar school and independent school entrance exams, without the need for further tutoring.
"Leaders have developed a broad, academically ambitious curriculum that is complemented by an extensive co-curricular programme. As a result, pupils develop their skills, understanding and self-confidence appropriately."
ISI Inspection Report, 2024
Weekly Reasoning lessons, exploring verbal and non-verbal reasoning, commence in Year 4 and continue until after examinations in Year 6 are completed. A clear and determined focus on widening pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding ensures a narrow focus is avoided. Depth and breadth across all areas of the curriculum, including humanities subjects, the arts, sports and technology, leads to our boys showing sophisticated study skills for their age, enabling them to demonstrate high levels of ability across their work.
Externally verified data shows 100% of our Year 6 work at or above national age-related expectations, with 77% highly above or exceptionally above (2021/22 cohort):
“Thanking you for your support through difficult times and for looking after the welfare of our little boy through to transfer to high school. He is now knowledgeable in a breadth of subjects, current affairs and has good moral standards. Hats off to you and your staff.”
Homefield Parent, 2022