
The arrival of email over the past few years has allowed easy communications, but based on experience, here are some guidelines to enable it to be most useful:

Sensitive or important issues will benefit from direct face-to-face attention from staff. We have an ‘open door’ policy at Homefield and staff usually are available every day, at pick up, to talk to parents. We can also arrange telephone conversations or you can book in ahead to meet staff. Please see the Parent Information Handbook for a handy flow chart on who to speak to for help. Generally, it is best to start with the Form Tutor. Parents can also see for how and when we report on student progress.

Both academic and pastoral staff are busy caring for and teaching your boys, often from before 8am in the morning until after 6pm in the evening. They will check emails during work hours, when they can, and we aim to respond within 48 hours. However, please do speak to us with any urgent matters so that we can engage quickly to help you (Tel: 020 8642 0965). Our commitment to Homefield values and courtesy should always be present, no matter what the media of communication.

If you wish to contact a member of staff via email then please refer to the Parent Information Handbook or contact and they will forward your message on.

Senior Leadership Team
Mr C HammondInterim HeadB.A. (Hons.), P.G.C.E., Q.T.S. Executive Coaching Level 7

Mrs L Crook

Deputy Head

B.Ed., M.A., Q.T.S, N.P.Q.M.L., M.C.C.T.
Mrs E FieldAssistant Head (Lower School) & Designated Safeguarding LeadB.A. (Hons.), Q.T.S.
Mr E SmithAssistant Head PastoralB.A. (Hons.), Q.T.S.
Miss C Smith

Assistant Head Academic,

Head of Science & Gifted and Talented Lead

B.Sc. (Hons.), M.A. P.G.C.E, N.P.Q.S.L.
Mr C KingBursar
Teaching Staff

Ms L Adamson

French TeacherB.A., P.G.C.E.

Miss I Alcobia

Head of Year 3 & 4

B.A. (Hons.), Q.T.S

Mrs E AutyHead of English and DramaB.A. (Hons.), M.A. P.G.C.E.
Miss J Bruton Lower School Teacher B.A. Early Years Education, Q.T.S.

Miss A Byrne

Lower School TeacherB.A. (Hons.), Q.T.S.
Mr M BuxtonHead of Learning TechnologyB.A. (Hons.), Q.T.S. Primary Education
Mrs DaltonUpper School Teacher and Head of Year 3 & 4B.Sc. (Hons), P.G.C.E.
Mr D EdwardsAssistant Sports CoachLevel 2 Cricket Coach
Miss M Finch

Upper School Teacher

B.A. (Hons.), Q.T.S.
Ms T FitzgeraldMusic TeacherBMus, P.G.C.E.
Mrs S Godly Lower School Teacher B.A. Q.T.S. N.P.Q.M.L.
Mr T HarrisonPE TeacherB.A., P.G.C.E.
Mr T Hartley2nd in Charge Physical Education and SportB.A. (Hons.), P.G.C.E. Q.T.S.
Mr J GillMaths TeacherB.A. (Hons.), Q.T.S.
Mrs B JohnsonLower School TeacherB.A. (Hons.) Q.T.S

Miss J Lane

Lower School TeacherB.A. (Hons.), Q.T.S.
Ms S Larkin

STEAM Coordinator and Science Teacher

B.Sc. (Hons.), P.G.C.E.
Mr K W Leung Head of Art & Design B.A. (Hons.), P.G.C.E.
Mr M McCaffery Head of Classics MA, B.Arts (Hons), Dip.Ed
Miss S Marriage

Head of Geography and Head of Year 7 & 8

B.A. (Hons.), P.G.C.E.
Mr D Matthews Head of Sport B.Sc. P.G.C.E. Q.T.S.
Miss O Nanasi Head of Mathematics B.A. (Hons.), P.G.C.E.
Miss E ReadHead of Inclusion and Modern Foreign LanguagesB.A. (Hons.), P.G.C.E.
Miss S Rowe Lower School Teacher B.A. (Hons.), Q.T.S.
Miss E WilsonHead of History and Head of Year 5 & 6
BA (Hons.) M.A. Ed P.G.C.E.
Miss D YerseverUpper School TeacherB.Sc. (Hons), P.G.C.E.
Academic Support Staff
Mrs S Bartlett Teaching Assistant B.Eng (Hons.), CACHE Level 3 Diploma in Specialist Support for Teaching & Learning
Mrs S Edwards Learning Resources Centre Manager City & Guilds Learning Support Cert. N.C.F.E. Special Needs

Mrs S Elboushi-Whelan
Higher Level Teaching AssistantCACHE Level 3 Diploma in Specialist Support for Teaching & Learning, Level 4 HLTA, QTS, D32-33 Assessor.
Mrs N Harris Teaching Assistant Level 3 Diploma in Specialist Support for Teaching and Learning
Miss N LadegaTeaching AssistantB.Sc (Hons.)
Ms K LeongTeaching AssistantB.A. (Hons.), P.G.C.E.
Mrs N MayuranScience TechnicianB.A. Business Administration, Advanced Diploma Business Administration, Diploma Business Administration
Mrs A SinhaTeaching AssistantB.Sc (Hons.)
Mrs J O'Sullivan Higher Level Teaching Assistant B.A. (Hons.), HLTA
Mrs H SharradTeaching AssistantB.A. (Hons.), M.A.
Miss J VotierTeaching AssistantCACHE Level 3 Diploma in Specialist Support for Teaching & Learning
Business Support Staff
Mrs J Corner Data Systems and Front of House Manager ILM Level 4
Mr M CowardFinance & Personnel AssistantCICM Level 3 Credit Management, AAT Access to Bookkeeping, AAT Level 2
Mrs V GallagherWelfare AssistantNVQ Level 3, Emergency First Aid at Work, Paediatric First Aid
Ms S Harmes Head's Personal Assistant


Mrs D Upton

AdmissionsNVQ Level 2 in Rail Services, iTCC, OU Understanding Children & Young People.
Mrs K ZhangAdmissions and MarketingB.A. (Hons.), MSc
K Zhang
Facilities Staff
Mr G Crawford

Facilities and Estates Manager

Mr J BryanEstates & Minibus Driver
Mr J Freitag Estates
Mrs S HebbenEstates & Minibus Driver
Mr B HillSenior Facilities and Estates & Minibus Driver
Mr J HillEstates & Minibus Driver
Mr J Merlini-StoneEstates & Minibus Driver